Bombardino is an egg nog based drink that is very popular in the cold climates, especially for those enjoying a ski holiday in Northeastern Italy. This is a perfect drink for sipping apres ski in Val Gardena, or to warm you up after shopping in the Christmas markets of Bolzano. I say apres ski, as I can’t imagine hitting the slopes after one of these. It is made by combine 1 part advocaat (called Vov in Italy) or egg nog, and 1 part brandy. Advocaat is a creamy, rich liquor made from eggs, sugar, and brandy, very similar to our egg nog. In Europe, however, it usually has a slightly higher alcohol content – no surprise there. For a Bombardino, you add MORE alcohol, heat it up, and serve it topped with whipped cream. The name is derived from this potent combination of heat and high alcohol content, “the bomb”.

There are several variations, using rum rather than brandy, or including espresso in the mix. The coffee version is sometimes called a calimero. I prefer the addition of the espresso. And nowadays, the younger set will add Red Bull instead.

I’ve adapted a traditional egg nog recipe here to make your own. I did find some recipes on line for Advocaat, but all seemed to be variations of the same recipe, which called for an unbelievable amount of sugar – 29 ounces, which is over 3 cups. This version, with approximately 3 ounces, was plenty sweet. Some recommend letting the mixture ‘age’ for a week in your refrigerator, but who plans that far in advance? It is traditionally served in a clear cup or glass.
Advocaat/Egg Nog/ Vov
4 egg yolks
1/3 cup sugar, plus 1 tablespoon
2 cups whole milk
1 cup heavy cream
6 ounces brandy
4 egg whites
Using a mixer, beat the egg yolks until they are light in color. Gradually add the 1/3 cup sugar and continue to beat until it is completely dissolved. Add the milk, cream, and brandy. Transfer to another bowl.

Place the egg whites in the bowl of the mixer and beat to soft peaks. With the mixer still running gradually add the 1 tablespoon of sugar and beat until stiff peaks form.
Fold the egg whites into the egg yolk mixture. This can be stored for up to a week in your refrigerator.
1 part rum or brandy
1 part homemade Advocaat/Egg Nog/Vov
Sweetened whipped cream
Heat the advocaat and rum or brandy in a small saucepan. If you have a cappuccino machine, you can use the steamer to heat. Top with sweetened whipped cream. Serve.

1 part rum or brandy
1 part homemade Advocaat/Egg Nog/Vov
1 part espresso
Sweetened whipped cream
Heat the advocaat, rum or brandy, and espresso in a small saucepan. Again, you can also heat using your cappuccino machine. Top with sweetened whipped cream. Serve.